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Old 12th June 2012, 12:16 AM
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Originally Posted by bgart13 View Post
You guys do realize that the extras and whatnot are determined by Sony (or whichever company they're dealing with)? The extras they make sure to include are always an isolated score track and a booklet with an essay by some critic. Their prices are a bit high, but they're charging full SRP, as most companies do. Sure, I wish the prices were lower, but considering these companies aren't going to release them (in the US), then it's better than nothing. People have indeed gotten spoiled by stores like Amazon and Walmart.
I appreciate the extras being stifled with nothing they can do but there are other companies licensing from majors, putting more effort in and not employing the same model. To be honest, the whole TT thing strikes me as just attempting to be a bit elitist along with attempting to cover the cost of the titles that don't sell well.

I've got nothing against paying good money. I spent £27 on a DVD the other day but at least that had some effort put in in the sense that all the groundwork and extras had been done by the company and it was quite nicely packaged as well.

Like I said, this is just TT slapping a hand-me-down HD transfer onto disc which is probably no different to what Olive or Image are doing. I'll be buying Mysterious Island, Journey to the Centre of the Earth and The Big Heat sometime I'm sure but if they were more reasonably priced I would have them already and if they were to sell out, I can't say I'll be overly disappointed.
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