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Old 15th June 2012, 07:43 AM
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Originally Posted by RedEyeTheCylon View Post
Was just reading what were supposed to be brief plot summaries for the first few episodes of Series 7. Most of it sounded like a load of tosh but the ones for episodes 1 & 6 stood out.

Episode 1 - Asylum of the Daleks: Supposed to be set on Skaro in an asylum which houses every Dalek who have encountered the Doctor and sent mad by being defeated by him.

This one actually seems quite believable, it would explain how they're going to include every Dalek design.

Episode 6
: Written by Mark Gattis, this one features the return of the Ice Warriors who are trying to manipulate the Cuban Missile Crisis to cause a nuclear winter on Earth.

This one definately sounds far fetched but if it did turn out to be true then it could quite possibly be one of the greatest episodes of the revived series. Plus we've seen Gattis incorporate alien menaces into historical events before like the Daleks in WW2.
I like the sound of these. The 'insane Daleks' sounds excellent, while the Cuban Missile / Nuclear Winter Ice Warriors story sounds like it would make a wonderful two - parter. Unfortunately Steven Moffat has said there will be no two parters at all this series, although he could be just talking bollocks.
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