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Old 28th June 2012, 12:06 PM
Splatterdragon73 Splatterdragon73 is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: From the bowels of Newcastle Upon Tyne he collect DVDs and BRs!

Police Academy 2:Their First Assignment:

Lt. Mauser:"Proctor!"
Sgt. Proctor:"Oh, Lieutenant, good i was looking for you. I have the pictures of the fruits drunk at the bar like you asked. The composition's a little off but Sir, you can clearly see those fruits are drunk!"
Lt. Mauser:"Who asked for fruits drunk at the bar? I asked for new recruits drunk at the bar!"
Sgt. Proctor:"Oh....uh, well Sir i major in Art. I could put a uniform on this guy here. It'll look like Hightower."
Lt. Mauser:"What? Are you losin' it?! Just get me Mahoney."
Sgt. Proctor:"Should i save these?"
Lt. Mauser:"Get me Mahoney!"

Captain Pete Lassard:"Hi Eric, it's me Pete."
Commandant Eric Lassard:"Oh, Pete how very, very nice of you to call. How's my baby brother?"
Captain Pete Lassard:"Fine, Eric well actually not too good."
Commandant Eric Lassard:"Hope you haven't got a girl into trouble!"
Captain Pete Lassard:"No, it's nothing like that. I need to get my hands on some healthy young men."
Commandant Eric Lassard:"I suppose there's certain places you could go, certain bars and so forth."
Captain Pete Lassard:"Eric, what are you talking about?"
Commandant Eric Lassard:"Does Margaret know about this?"
Captain Pete Lassard:"Eric, i'm in trouble here and i need some new recruits!"
When the going gets tough the tough take the law into their own hands.
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