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Old 7th July 2012, 01:25 PM
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re.form re.form is offline
Active Cultist
Join Date: Dec 2009

Re-watched Straw Dogs, always been my fave Peckinpah movie. Whenever I hear bagpipes I think of it.

The Girl Next Door. This felt like a TV movie but with extreme scenes of child abuse (a blow torch to a girls privates being the worst this movie had to offer). The actions of some the characters defied belief, despite apparently being based on a true story.

The Dark Hour. Spanish low budget post-nucleur sci-fi horror set in a bunker. Pretty good, despite some Playstation 2 looking cgi-monsters. It's well worth it for the twist at the end, which was brilliant.

Django. Been years since I saw this. Brilliant. Also ejoyed the introduction by Alex Cox.
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