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Old 7th July 2012, 03:35 PM
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Originally Posted by re.form View Post
Re-watched Straw Dogs, always been my fave Peckinpah movie. Whenever I hear bagpipes I think of it.

The Girl Next Door. This felt like a TV movie but with extreme scenes of child abuse (a blow torch to a girls privates being the worst this movie had to offer). The actions of some the characters defied belief, despite apparently being based on a true story.

The Dark Hour. Spanish low budget post-nucleur sci-fi horror set in a bunker. Pretty good, despite some Playstation 2 looking cgi-monsters. It's well worth it for the twist at the end, which was brilliant.

Django. Been years since I saw this. Brilliant. Also ejoyed the introduction by Alex Cox.
Saw remake of stra dogs i tend to avoid remakes but we all watch the odd few here and there and it was pretty rubbish worth one watch and thats about it just to see it and compare to original , it was prettty pants,
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