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Old 14th April 2008, 12:45 PM
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Angel Angel is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
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From what I've heard Vipco did submit Driller Killer in the early 90's but they withdrew the film from the classification process because they didn't agree with the cuts. Since they didn't complete the classification process this submission does not appear on their site. By 1999 they clearly felt that they had to accept some cuts simply to get the film released, obviously they didn't know that the BBFC were about to undergo a significant change shortly after in which the uncut version would pass.

The BBFC wouldn't pass video nasties uncut until 2002 when The Burning finally had its cuts waived.

I think the fact that Man Bites Dog was a subtitled black and white film reduced the chance of any cuts. I can't say I've ever heard the BBFC cutting such a film, at least not in the last 30 years anyway. I remember watching the film when it went out on C4 many years ago. Can't say I was too surprised the film passed uncut but would need to re-watch it.
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