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Old 25th July 2012, 11:52 AM
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Daemonia Daemonia is offline
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Sounds you like had a great time, Reaps. I too must find my way up there one day and have a look for myself. They won't burn me though, will they?

The Wicker Man is one of those curious films where everything works perfectly. It's a very clever film. To all intents and purposes, Sgt. Howie is the good guy trying to solve a heinous crime, and yet our sympathies are drawn to the Pagans and not to Howie. Then the wind is knocked out of us in the final scenes and suddenly the hippy-esque Pagans don't seem so inviting or friendly anymore. Powerful stuff.

Shame The Wicker Tree was such a let down. I know these forums also serve as a portal for promoting films, but surely the CL crew must get sick of lying all the time, proclaiming films to be amazing when they clearly aren't.
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