Thread: Code Red
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Old 30th July 2012, 11:57 PM
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Originally Posted by g053584398 View Post
I would have picked up The Visitor when it was in print had I known about it, but I first heard about the film only a few weeks ago. Since it was a Code Red title I assumed before I even looked that the price would be sky-high, and it certainly was that! From my reading, and from the trailer on another Code Red DVD, it really sounds as though it would be my cup of tea.

Although I picked up Pets a few weeks ago, for a very reasonable sum, I still haven't watched it, so I don't know if the film is any good or not.
Yeah, think I was lucky to have caught the trailer a while back, and was able to snag it. I think you'd like it, mate, 'specially if totally bonkers, nonsensical sci fi is your bag. Personally, I was sold on the 'Franco Nero as Jesus' bit, meself.
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