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Old 1st September 2012, 02:55 PM
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Beyond72 Beyond72 is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Jul 2008

Originally Posted by Stephen@Cult Labs View Post
Option A is not owned by Blue Underground though.
Originally Posted by Demdike View Post
I was just wondering how it works regarding artworks, it was only an example.

Biography for
Jerry Gross
Date of Birth
26 January 1940, New York City, New York, USA

Date of Death
20 November 2002, Los Angeles, California, USA

Mini Biography

Semi-legendary exploitation movie producer/distribution, despite very little being known about the man himself. Gross started in the film industry in the Sixties as a director, but found his forte in distribution or rather outrageous film promotions. Sensationalistic come-on's, tag lines, posters and titles scored Gross hit after hit on the Grindhouse/ Drive-in circuit throughout the Seventies. His cinemation company releases had titles like I Drink Your Blood, Teenage Mother, The Seducers, I Eat Your Skin- as he said in the mid-Seventies I guarantee that all these are selling titles. The public just cannot resist a film if the title drags them in. Stars don't matter. Titles Do Along the way Gross distributed important movies like Sweet Sweetbacks's Badass Song in a slightly re-cut version, but Gross is chiefly remembered for the sort of promotions that would have done PT Barnum proud (as would his name). When he released the first two Mondo Canes on a double bill, he hired actors to dress up as tribesmen and dance around cinemas in honour of the two films interest in primative rites.

Gross's finest hour unfortunately spelled the beginning of the end. Zombie, I Spit on Your Grave and The Boogeyman released by the Jerry Gross Organization are all fondly remembered and were big hits. By this time however major studios were securing a monopoly over America's screens, and the smaller companies were quickly going bankrupt, as did The Jerry Gross Organization. Gross's post bankruptcy company Ambassador pictures also quickly went out of business. That was around 1983 and since then Gross seems to have vanished off the face of the earth.
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