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Old 3rd September 2012, 01:48 PM
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the blob the blob is offline
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Sony as a whole aren't doing particularly great at the moment by all accounts. They're struggling in almost every division against competition so I dare say their focus has changed in the past 6 years. The licensing makes money for little effort so I can see why it's a good move for them.

Personally, while I don't enjoy the TT model, I would rather they license titles out and films get released than sit around forever. I also prefer it to the on-demand programmes as well. Companies like Olive are probably taking some big risks with titles they're releasing on BD but I can't see Paramount releasing them honestly.

It's also not just TT who are doing the limited route. Eureka's Universal licenses are limited, although noone knows to what quantity but we've had some cracking films emerge from that.

I think the licensing model is the way forward for BD as it'll probably be the last physical home video format so studios will probably be reluctant to sell off their catalogues for long periods to retain rights for downloading.
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