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Old 1st October 2012, 10:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Wes View Post
It's a shame he's such a whackjob these days - I'd love to see him pick up a camera again - I though Passion of the Christ and Apocalypto were interesting films, not perfect but we need more eccentric films like this coming out of Hollywood...
i like those films too. im sure he will make another film and it could be good if he has creative control

anyhoo watched the classic Halloween again. years since last time i watched it it didnt seem to give me the scares as i remember. could be because i have seen it before or maybe because im older or finding out the mask is william shattner

one thing though is the music is still chilling. if anyone else knows a film with better use of music let me know. this dvd came with a mini documentary. never knew how low budget and how quickly it was made
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