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Old 2nd October 2012, 10:16 AM
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Beyond72 Beyond72 is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Jul 2008

Originally Posted by oaxaca View Post
I wouldn't say I hated them or even disliked them but I do find that most of DePalma's films are incredibly melodramatic, bordering on the verge of cheese (I'm thinking RAISING CAIN, BODY DOUBLE, OBSESSION and the waaay OTT SCARFACE). His visual flair is impressive, the cinematography in OBSESSION is particularly stunning, and the camerawork is pretty innovative. But somehow most of his films don't do it for me. The storylines are generally a bit loopy and the melodrama approaches DALLAS levels
I can't argue with most of that and I'm a fan!
The Pino Donaggio scores don't help either, and again I'm a fan!

I will however have to disagree about Scarface being waaay OTT, if you watch the documentary COCAINE COWBOYS about Miami in the late 70's/early 80's, and Scarface isn't so OTT as you first think!
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