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Old 10th October 2012, 11:33 AM
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Wes Wes is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Vermillion Sands, Cork, Ireland

Everyone’s probably sick of the Sight & Sound 2012 poll by now but I just wanted to riff on it for a sec... The website linked below gathered a bunch of 1-star reviews IMDB users gave to the classics on the list, and some of the reviews are priceless – I know we’re all grown-ups here and we respect each other’s opinions and all that good stuff, but sometimes people are just plain wrong !

Sight & Sound’s 10 Greatest Films of All Time, and their one-star IMDb reviews

Sample review – Top slotter Vertigo

This is the most boring film I have ever seen and you will think the same if you see it. This movie goes on forever and never stops ever until it ends. I wish this film had stayed away from me.

 It’s all about an old guy in a car who is chasing a woman and that’s it. There is more car driving in this film than in maybe a hundred other films all put together. He never even catches her! What a waste of time. I’m not allowed to tell you what happens later in the film but trust me you don’t want to know. It’s rubbish. 

The film looks so fake like a cartoon and it was about to make me laugh until I remembered how bored I was. I’d rather tidy my bedroom than see another minute of that old guy driving. I don’t want to see this film or anything like it ever again.
Plutonium Shores - a journal cataloging interests, obsessions and random musings... so I don't forget.
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