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Old 14th October 2012, 09:05 AM
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Wes Wes is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Vermillion Sands, Cork, Ireland

Dark Night of the Scarecrow... every inch of this 1981 film has TV written all over it, but nonetheless it's an effective little chiller about revenge from beyond the grave. I suspect there's a powerful nostalgic kick for people of a certain age - this bloodless horror was a regular on TV for years (I first saw it on the Deadly Earnest Horror Show on Sky in the late 80's), and it's worth mentioning that's there's very litte scarecrow action in this, rather it's like a Horror take on a public information film about the danger of farming machinery. A good cast of familiar TV faces including a smug Charles Durning and a sour looking Larry Drake bearing a striking resemblance to Stephen King's Jordy Verrill from Creepshow. Recommended seeing but I'm not sure if it's a keeper...

Plutonium Shores - a journal cataloging interests, obsessions and random musings... so I don't forget.
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