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Old 14th October 2012, 11:38 AM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
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Originally Posted by Slippery Jack View Post
I'm glad I have (apparently) low standards when it comes to picture quality - must get frustrating when (apparently) every other release looks AWFUL . . .
In the age of the internet, where anyone who has seen a film is a critic and everyone has a voice it must be difficult for anyone who fancies themselves a skilled critic to get heard on the web. A lot of 'critics' online ten to do the spinal tap thing with critisism and turn it up to 11 in order to try and get noticed. Hence, when a blu-ray release has problems it becomes a 'travesty' that said critic will then bore us about for several hundred (nay thousand) venomous words about how incompetent the releasing company is for daring to release such a 'sub-standard' title onto the market. Half these people would never get a gig reviewing stuff for any real publication (in fact one scribe linked me his blog where he pretty much stated at the start he'd been turned down by all the mainstream publishers) and as a critic, slamming stuff is so much easier to do than prasing it.

I never felt any arrow titles were awful, but there have been some major and minor errors (BWTCP widescreen, tenebrae, Beyond b + W, HBTC) along the way, but as a collector whose been buying stuff for years, experience has told me often enough another re-issue is never far away so I tend to avoid getting worked up over these things like some folk online.
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