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Old 17th October 2012, 07:25 PM
VicDakin VicDakin is offline
Cult Acolyte
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Originally Posted by Wes View Post
I thought the revisions for THX 1138 were respectful Vic, in keeping with the spirit of the film, unlike Star Wars which were ridicolous (even for Star Wars!). But y'know what George Lucas doesn't give a f*ck what anyone thinks. He owns these films, he can do what he wants with 'em. There's way too much crying over these films...
well ill probably get crucified for this,but I have no real great luv for Star Wars, im not bothered if Mr Lucas has wiped his backside with the negatives to be honest,but I do understand alot of people have had there childhood memories pissed on with his tinkering.
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