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Old 23rd October 2012, 10:04 AM
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ArgentoFan1987 ArgentoFan1987 is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Dundee, Scotland
Blog Entries: 2

Now I'm on the Dance of Death album.

Reminds me of Winter.

Winter 2005, not long after we moved into he house I currently live in, I heard a little track from this album called Rainmaker (far from he best on the album) . I was amazed! I asked who it was. I was told it was Iron Maiden. Not long after I bought the amazing Dance of Death album. I've been a massive fan ever since. I have all their albums and am working on getting the DVDs.

For some reason it also reminds me of Tekken 3

Since writing this short novel, it is now on No More Lies (walking and typing is hard!!!)
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