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Old 26th October 2012, 10:26 AM
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Daemonia Daemonia is offline
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Originally Posted by Rik View Post
Completely agree with you here, I wish they'd offered us the chance to own both versions, for me it's the only fault with an otherwise excellent set. I'm not saying you should rush out and buy it but I would suggest renting it and judging for yourself how good it looks and how very little has actually been altered, it certainly isn't half as bad as I originally feared.
I'll no doubt pick this up at some point as I am curious, even though my better judgement is to boycott it. I just wish they'd given us the original version. You see, to me, any tinkering alters it from the original, which is the film I love. I want it preserved exactly as it has been for the last 40-odd years or so.
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