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Old 31st October 2012, 08:54 PM
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Steel76 Steel76 is offline
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Originally Posted by Vampix View Post
I don't own the Blu-ray edition of Maniac myself, I still have the old THX Anchor Bay DVD.
Hold on to that DVD. The screwed up black level (or I should call it milkey gray level) just drowns out a lot of shadowdetails in the night scenes, and the new color scheme is just a failed attempt to give it that tint that modern movies have. The blue moon light in the graveyard scene now has a mint tone to it, etc. The DNR use also makes it soft, compared to the trailer on the disc that has much more finedetails and has the filmgrain, colors and contrast intact.
It would have been better if the trailer wasn´t included, as the comparision with how the movie itself look, is heartbreaking.
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