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Old 4th November 2012, 11:19 AM
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Beyond72 Beyond72 is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Jul 2008

Originally Posted by suziginajackson View Post

It is an 'Enhanced Commentary', which runs about 20 minutes longer than the actual film. At various points during the movie, the picture freezes while they continue talking, and this means they are able to give much more information about certain scenes
That's such a great idea, wish more films used that.

My heart always sinks when one of my favourite scenes is coming up, but the actor or director on the commentary is rattling on about something not even related to the movie, and so the scene goes by without a mention.

Originally Posted by PaulD View Post
Ah, that sounds interesting. I thought the film was actually pretty funny and worked well as a satire (for the most part) but love Larry Charles anyway as a writer of Seinfeld and director of Curb Your Enthusiasm so must give this a go. It seems like the sort of film where the story behind its making would be just as, if not more, interesting than the film itself.
It didn't hold back that's for sure.

However my favourite Bruno moment was from the Ali G TV show when he got some dickhead club owner in Miami to say World War II wouldn't have happened if House Music was around at the time, but earlier mentions how he would just ignore someone in a wheelchair outside his club.

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