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Old 5th November 2012, 10:44 PM
Robert W Robert W is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012

Originally Posted by Wes View Post
(Shamelessly reposted from my blog, but I think there's a few Heat fans on this board)

From the Heat commentary, Michael Mann remembers a primary source of inspiration behind his cops n’ robbers epic Heat...

There was a painting that inspired me about this moment and that painting probably got me interested in making this motion picture of Heat longer than anything else, and it was a painting of a table with a .45 on it and a rear shot of a man standing against a background, and contained within it somebody was involved in some life of aggression and action and yet the contrast was in the mental state because here was a moment of inner loneliness. It didn’t dictate something, instead it posed a question – what is this man thinking ? What is he imagining ?

Actully, it's a Browning Hi-Power not a Colt .45 ACP.
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