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Old 8th November 2012, 03:41 PM
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ArgentoFan1987 ArgentoFan1987 is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Dundee, Scotland
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Originally Posted by Rik View Post
Exorcist II:The Heretic-I decided to give this film another chance based on what some members were saying on the Sequel Guilty Pleasures thread. I'd only ever seen it once before, despite owning it in the Exorcist Anthology boxset for a few years, so I went into it thinking that maybe last time I wasn't in the right frame of mind or maybe I was expecting a similar film to it's predecessor, or maybe I was being harsh on it. Well, here we are 2 hours later and I can honestly say with all my heart that it is without a doubt the biggest pile of shite I've watched in a very long time! Even the score from Morricone couldn't save this from being a complete waste of two hours of my life, the best thing about it was the 15 minute snooze it enforced on me during the midway mark! It's now back in it's place in between two classics, never to be taken out of the box again!

I can see why people threw things at the screen when this film opened because I was finding it extremely difficult not to rush over and kick the **** out of my TV
Whenever anyone asks me what my favourite film is I often struggle to answer it because there are so many! However, whenever someone asks me what my worst film is, Exorcist II makes it very high on my list.
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