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Old 26th May 2009, 06:22 AM
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Originally Posted by loops View Post
I was ficking thorugh my copy of Shock! Horror! and reading that Ferman was so appalled by the Gestapos Last Orgy and refused to discuss it. And in 2003 hardgore were told it would nt pass the bbfc. I wonder what they would make of it today?
Yes I watched the film for the first time.

A rejection in 2009 would be out of the question. I think they were wary of viewing the film in 2003 as this was just after they had rejected Love Camp 7 and since Gestapo's is also an official nasty there probably didn't seem much point to them, and in any case they were much stricter then.

Looking at Gestapo's there doesn't appear to be much for them to cut, there's not much in the way of sexual violence...which is always the main concern, but there is a fair amount of sexualised violence although most of it is quite tame.

At 17m there is the 2m mass rape sequence. Perhaps the most obectionable scene in the film for me but the scene consists of numerous individual shots lasting no more than a few seconds at a time, so the camera doesn't really focus much on abusive detail constantly cutting away through out the scene. I can't see any individual shots the BBFC would object to anyway. I think it's just the scene as a whole that comes across as being highly offensive. It would be interesting to see what the BBFC would make of it but I think it would probably pass. Another thing is that the scene is shot without sound so there is no disturbing screams which would have made it worse.

As for the torture scenes later on involving the actress Daniela Poggi, personally I can't see the BBFC obecting. There's the whipping scene which is quite mild. And the scene where she is held over a container of rats (not real rats) and later a pool of quicklime. But the scenes don't inolve any real violence directly against her and I doubt the BBFC would object just because she is naked. The camera didn't focus on her nudity in the way a Franco film would have.

Pass with very minimal cuts as far as I can see.

Same with Deported Women of the SS and Reds Nights of the Gestapo.

The gunpoint rape in the latter would have to be cut here.

The Beast in Heat is much stronger.
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