Thread: Show Us Yours!
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Old 16th November 2012, 08:59 PM
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Prince_Vajda Prince_Vajda is offline
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Location: Wolfenstein Castle

Originally Posted by Wes View Post
There's a line in Fight Club that always bothers me, something to the effect of your possessions enduing up possessing you, and I've been trying to curtail my collecting lately, resisting the temptation to purchase everything I like, and doing my best to stick to my rule that if it turns up on TV (e.g. No Country For Old Men on Film 4 say) I won't buy it... I moved house in 2011 and it was a nightmare boxing up over a thousand DVDs !

Schoolgirl Report - an epic film series and a real must-see... if you don't have a problem with quite a few hairs...

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