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Old 20th November 2012, 08:09 PM
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Default Horrifying Fine Art

The House With Laughing Windows is a fascinating giallo that centres around a horrific but stunning painting. The world of fine art is filled with similar images that are not only shocking, but just as mesmerising and haunting as this film.

In fact, it's not just House... that is obsessed with mixing high and 'low' cultures (art and exploitation gore) but many other films for this genre too, such as Suspiria's focus on ballet.

So, here's a thread dedicated to the more shocking and disturbing side of high art.

What are some of the most striking images in the art world? Hopefully we can create quite an interesting thread here.

One such example that springs instantly to mind is Francisco Goya's Saturn Devouring His Son. It portrays the Greek myth in which one of the leaders of the Titans, Titan Cronus feared his children would overthrow him. So, the creature devoured each of his babies upon birth.

There's a book called Cannibal Within (which I would STRONGLY recommend - it's easily the most disturbing book I've ever read) that features a version of this on it's front cover.

Shameless Screen Entertainment's THE HOUSE WITH LAUGHING WINDOWS is out now! Order yours here.
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