Sherlock Holmes: The Spider Woman (1944) A female antogonist, a pygmy and a seriously weird kid! Sherlock Holmes: The Pearl of Death (1944) This one just didnt do it for me! A museums entire collection protected by three exposed wires in the curators office! Although the highlight of the movie is Holmes getting it disastrously wrong at one point! Sherlock Holmes: The Scarlet Claw (1944) A return to the old fashion Baskervilles type of mystery at last leaving the wartime setting behind although Churchill does get a mention at the end in a rather cheesy speech delivered by Holmes which I'm none too sure the Canadians of today would appreciate! Solaris (2002) I'm sure someone somewhere would say this was thinking mans sci-fi but for me it was a bit of a snooze fest! Stake Land (2011) Hmmm! I've seen better! Star Trek (2010) Not a bad movie but kind of ruined by the excessive lens flare! (Sometimes seeing the extras on the disc isnt always a good thing!)
__________________ Alea iacta est." |