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Old 25th November 2012, 10:28 PM
VicDakin VicDakin is offline
Cult Acolyte
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Originally Posted by Make Them Die Slowly View Post
HUGO. A delightful, magical film about loss and belonging that works a treat, both visually and emotionally for adults. It bored the arses off my kids aged 5 and 7. It's way too long for a kids film, running in at 2 hours with the action scenes too few and too far apart. Interestingly my kids loved all the clips from the silent films in the film and the scenes recreating the making of the silent films. They also really liked the trailer for "The Artist" which was on before the film.

A CLOCKWORK ORANGE. This is a film that has taken me years to appreciate, having been a massive, obsessive fan of the book from the age of 14 to my early 20s and hating the over stylised look and feel of the film. In fact, on reflection this film is the reason I've avoided Kubrick's work for years. However, having watched snippets of it over the last couple of years almost monthly on ITV4 and not having read the book for 20 years, I'm finally able to see the film's beauty and wit. So dated by it's future vision, it runs the risk of today, descending into high camp but manages to avoid this by the skin of its teeth. Visually it reminded me a lot of my own childhood, growing up with hipster hippy parents in Britain's first New Town, Stevenage and how our psychedelically decorated house clashed with the cement monstrosity of the outside world.
I luv Clockwork Orange,from fuzzy pirate betamax to its first release after Kubrick died,I even had the poster and soundtrack before i had even saw the film,im often pass thru Thamesmead where the exterior to the flats were filmed.

just realised Ive never read the book

Last edited by VicDakin; 25th November 2012 at 10:39 PM.
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