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Old 27th November 2012, 03:08 PM
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Originally Posted by robertzombie View Post
I contacted Arrow regarding the posters for the standard edition BD and, to be honest, I'm not very happy with their response.

I should preface this by saying that, for me, it's not the end of the world that the standard edition is no longer coming with the poster!

Basically, Arrow said no, they won't be able to send the posters to those who have pre-ordered the standard edition because the posters are in Austria where the packages are manufactured and they "would have to ship all the posters here [the UK, presumably] and set up a process by which we could deal with them all and them [sic] communicate that to customers".

Fair enough, but the Arrow representative also said this:

"At best I think our only solution would be to give the posters away with something else down the line".

This I have a problem with. Essentially what this means is that the poster I paid for by pre-ordering the standard BD of ZFE is now potentially going to be given to someone else!

As it stands, they must have hundreds, if not thousands, of posters sitting in a pressing plant in Austria. What a waste!
This is the point that I thought most people would be upset by. If they'd pre-ordered the blu-ray expecting to get a poster, it's not exactly fair for Arrow to now say they can't have it.

Irrelevant of whether you care about the poster or not - if you agree to pay a sum of money for a product, you'd want everything you were promised would you not? And if the company failed to deliver, you'd expect them to either make good on what was originally promised to you or make some sort of goodwill gesture to the customer.
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