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Old 30th November 2012, 02:22 AM
Frankie Teardrop's Avatar
Frankie Teardrop Frankie Teardrop is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Leeds, UK

LOVELY MOLLY - Very impressive and quite disturbing supernatural / madness flick from the director of 'Blair Witch'. A former junkie finds herself slipping back into the mire of drugs and her sinister past. It's heavy on atmosphere and does a lot with sound. Quite a dark, unpleasant vibe runs throughout, and unlike some I actually liked the lack of resolution at the end. Best use of deer carcass to nightmarish effect I've seen in a while.

RED STATE - I mostly liked it. A fusion of latter day indie and sort-of horror from the well known director of 'Clerks' etc. Some teens are preyed upon (or 'prayed upon' arrghhh stop me it hurts) by a bunch of rabid fundamentalists who end up being shot to pieces by the equally fascistic Man. Perhaps its maker's tendency towards quirk is offset by genuine intensity in places.

POLYCARP - Also known as 'Kinky Killers'. I can't really explain what this is about, apart from that it involves foul mouthed cops, absolutely inane dialogue, biblical stuff, a killer with mutliple personalities which are somehow infectious?, tepid mannequin gore, arbitrary nudity and oh I give up... let's just say it made about as much sense as a randomly edited episode of Twin Peaks, and actually at points I felt the director had the audacity to strain for a Lynchian vibe (or maybe wanted to remake 'The Room' as a direct to DVD horror). I sort of enjoyed it, but I can imagine being hated for liking it.
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