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Old 30th November 2012, 02:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Frankie Teardrop View Post

RED STATE - I mostly liked it. A fusion of latter day indie and sort-of horror from the well known director of 'Clerks' etc. Some teens are preyed upon (or 'prayed upon' arrghhh stop me it hurts) by a bunch of rabid fundamentalists who end up being shot to pieces by the equally fascistic Man. Perhaps its maker's tendency towards quirk is offset by genuine intensity in places.
I mostly liked it too. The ending annoyed me as it seemed like Smith thought "oh shit yeah, I'm Kevin Smith! Better bring the sodomy gags regardless of how incongruous it may be". It's definitely his most interesting film and I do love the shifts in tone though.

Oh as well as Fulci's Carrie-inspired supernatural dirge today I also watched The Muppets. Glorious feel-good cinema. Genuinely loved it and couldn't stop smiling throughout.
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