Originally Posted by Stephen@Cult Labs The only fault I can find is that Arrow have went back to having the intro automatically play before the film. I like to have the option play with intro,or play without intro. |
I had hoped they'd left that annoying habit behind, as their past few releases with introductions included it as an extra option.

Hopefully whoever is introducing it (I seem to recall reading Ian McCulloch), will not spoil it (like Tom Atkins did with Maniac Cop), for any of the poor souls out there that are finding this for the first time.
Originally Posted by Hawkmonger It's funny really, isn't it. We've been begging Arrow to release ZFE for years, and now we have it in our hands. What are we going to force them to release now? WE NO LONGER HAVE ANY REASON!  |
I was genuinely wondering this myself. Zombie Flesh Eaters easily seemed the most requested title to Arrow, even after Blue Underground put it out, plenty of people were still clamouring for Arrow to put it out. It would also be interesting to know what whoever heads Arrow's acquisitions sees as the next big task to acquire.