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Old 6th December 2012, 05:01 PM
WinterMillennium WinterMillennium is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Old London Town

I use music and horror because I know nothing about anime to me they're reasonable equivalents, but you might disagree.

I think we'll all just have to agree to disagree on this one... you can find huge differences in view across most categorisations no matter how micro you go. there are as many people that will tell you that Japanese and Italian horror are completely different as there are people that will tell you that Fulci and Argento are completely different, as there are will tell you that Argento's early and later efforts are completely different, as there are will tell you that Fulci's giallo and zombie films are completely different, it all tends to go a bit circular when people start arguing their own views over someone else's

I'm off for a lie down, my brain hurts
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