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Old 6th June 2009, 06:20 AM
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Angel Angel is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Oct 2007

The BBFC's decision to reject Deadbeat at Dawn was covered in SEE NO EVIL

By requesting the cutting of all shots glamourising the use of imitable weapons, we hoped to reduce the violence sufficiently to make the video acceptable as an 18, but this cutting merely revealed that the frequency and intensity of violent behaviour and incidents was an insuperable problem in itself. All the male gang members resort to violence at the least provocation, and the violence they inflict results in maiming, mutilation and death. Violent problems provoke violent solutions and the acting out of violent impulses provide the only pleasure on offer. Given the problem of violence by youth gangs in Britain, the Board is concerned that this video could attract viewing by young offenders whose own behavior might be validated and confirmed by the behaviour of the characters, resulting in harm to society and members of the public.
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