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Old 16th December 2012, 05:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Daemonia View Post
That's a bit of a confrontational post, ArrowFan. I'd argue that you're not 'blunt and honest' but more rude and antagonistic. You do seem to get a kick out of being inflammatory and trying to upset people. Fact is, these forums (and Almar) helped shape and make Arrow what they are today and it would have at least been courteous of them to thank us for our input and give some sort of explanation as to their leaving. Just a thought.

Sorry if you take it as inflammatory but honestly it was post after childish post. Yes people are upset they have left the forum. And am I trying to entice a response. Maybe but more than that I am trying to entice actually thoughts about the way the forum is reacting.
I'll upset a couple people if it ends up getting the right message across.

I'm willing to bet that most of the people I've mentioned don't take what I said personally. I have nothing against them as posters but those posts were not or at least didn't come across the best. If anyone had just joined up they'd definitely read it and say " oh that's why Arrow left the forum."
Originally Posted by Stephen@Cult Labs View Post
Guess this one is directed at people like myself.

Some of the suggestions on FB are ridiculous. and saying so is not being elitist. Honestly, people asking for The Beyond and even Zombi 2???? Do they know anything about Arrow? It's a joke. And the craziest thing? someone asking Arrow Video to release a Eurythmics dvd.
A lot of those people may have just discovered Arrow so the answer is No they probably aren't aware. They are getting responses from all sorts of people, all over because it isn't a smaller forum that specializes in cult films its Facebook with a HUGE amount of people and traffic.

Not sure if you are aware of exactly how powerful a marketing tool Facebook and social media as a whole has become but they will reach a lot more people.

I didn't find Arrow through here. That was Horror Hound magazine. But I did find here through Arrow. It's been more than a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Neither Arrow nor Cult Labs truly owes any debt to the other cause both profited in a way from there relationship.

What I said wasn't a personal attack at all. By far and large I find you one of the better posters but I'd hope when I make the not so great post( which I do ) you can call me on it too without any bad feelings.
The Poster Formerly Know As Arrowfan
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