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Old 16th December 2012, 06:56 PM
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Criterion7 Criterion7 is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
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Location: St.John's NL. Canada

Originally Posted by stunner View Post
Having been self employed for over 40 years I totally agree with this post. I've owned several restaurants over those four decades and although I can't comment on business school I can honestly say that I never once managed to hire anyone straight out of catering college who could cope in the real world. They certainly couldn't take the heat and pressure of a busy commercial kitchen. One poor guy actually fainted over the grill, backwards fortunately!
As a commercial artist my name was made by Almar and Cult Labs, along with The Darkside magazine. I'm not one to blow my own horn (although I would if I could reach it!) but today I turn down a lot more jobs than I take on and I'm working in a fiercly competetive field.
"Check out my Facebook page" reads like "Check out my Ebay shop", Great for folks playing at business but not quite the real thing.
Of course, plenty of folks do well off these sites but nobody can tell me that they carry the cache' and credibility of something like Cult Labs which has been created by a media savvy professional.
Personally, if I'd decided to market my wares through Facebook my smutty etchings would still be twirling around totally unseen in the mists of cyber space.
Yeh, I know what you're thinking. "Shame he bloody didn't!"

That's incredible. It's a minority thing and goes to show the talent you have but still incredible. Thinking however that a forum will give the same type of business that a well placed media campaign however is...slightly naive.

You are a talented guy and this forum helped it but without the talent it wouldn't matter where you focused your business.

Acquainting a business to some homemade Facebook page is more than slightly stretching it.

Yes a real business should use every resource they have or they aren't going for there true full potential .

If they are comfortable where they are that's great. I personally we'll use every available resource to its fullest potential to ensure success to the utmost of my ability.

You don't run a business just on a simple Facebook page or Facebook ad or twitter but why look down upon something that'll get you notice you never would have gotten otherwise.

I'll gladly use a dedicated forum to court the people buying my product already but I'd be insane not to try and lure in as many of the casuals to create a larger base.
The Poster Formerly Know As Arrowfan
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