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Old 16th December 2012, 08:00 PM
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JoshuaKaitlyn JoshuaKaitlyn is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Manchester

The Dark Knight (2008) Gotham City is tearing itself apart, Batman's presence has caused the mob to up their game and there are fake Batmen patrolling the streets. Enter the Joker, a psychopath whose only goal is to tip the scales in his direction. The sequel to Batman Begins is even more grittier than the first movie and with an opponent even more dangerous than Ducard / Al Ghul. There is a slightly different tone to this outing, where as 'Begins' didnt have the vast gothic towers that were prevalent in the 80's/90's versions it still retained a touch of the 'Burton/Schumacher' in the form of the railroad high above the ground snaking through the city and passing through Wayne Tower. In this outing Gotham could be any American city there is no strange architecture just gleaming glass towers. The movie also deals with the nature of dual personalities Bruce Wayne's/Batmans personality borders on madness at times, Harvey's is out of pain and loss but the Joker only has one personality and that is truely insane! My only nitpick really is that the movie is a little overlong but I still enjoyed the ride.
Alea iacta est."
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