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Old 27th December 2012, 12:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Slippery Jack View Post
Wow really? It was one of the most boring times I've had in a cinema for ages. Maybe that was partly down to the naff 3D bollocks. But I hated Depp's Hatter, and it all felt Burton-by-numbers, lacking in any real surprise or invention (apart from the heads floating in the moat - that I loved!). By the time it turned into routine epic fantasy battle mode for the climax it had lost me completely . . .
And that is why I never bothered to see it: all I seemed to hear was bad things! It started on the telly yesterday, I left it on...within two hours I was in love with it and had ordered the Blu-Ray.

Obviously, Svankmajer's version remains the finest film adaptation of the work, but I thought this was excellent.
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