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Old 5th January 2013, 10:53 AM
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Gojirosan Gojirosan is offline
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Originally Posted by fuzzymctiger View Post
(Fixed the above for you )

If you're not a big extras person, then its probably best to wait until its cheap.

If you're an original look fanatic, this release restores the original colour scheme, has natural grain/no DNR, and better detail in dark scene. Also, the extra frame information as mentioned.
Sorry - wishful thinking. I crave a release of Cemetery of The Living Dead!

It looks too light and washed out to me. Maybe this is the original "look", I am not sure. but the darker slightly more saturated BU transfer as okayed by Salvati resembles the mastering of every previous video and DVD release I have seen. Only with much better detail etc. Sadly, I never got to see it at a premium cinema screening with a new print as I was only 9 in 1979!

Perhaps I just don't rate Zombi 2 enough to care as much as every one else? Meh, who knows?

My mischievous mind is toying with replacing the Arrow version of House and City with the BU versions though!

I remember thinking Arrow's Deep Red looked OK. What was up with it?
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