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Old 7th January 2013, 08:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Jinx_Barkman View Post
I just got back from a late screening of Django Unchained so I'm still absorbing it but I felt like it was a good outing for Tarantino and company. Christoph Waltz was fantastic, as usual, but surprising for me was the turn of Leonardo DiCaprio. I have never been a tremendous admirer of his but he is quickly becoming a wonderful thespian. All of Tarantino's nods are there including the name of a saloon. So, I'm still thinking about it but for now I'll say it was an above average affair, not great but satisfying. Where was The Hammer's cameo though? I feel like this film owes much more to those Blaxploitation westerns that he starred in than any Django film.
I think Dicaprio has always been a good actor (see gilbert grape) but his pretty boy looks and his turn in the criminally overrated Titanic (beginning of the end for my respect for james cameron) and Baz luhrmans Romeo and juliette got him marked out by the press as a teen idol. I'm glad to see though, that he's been doing as much as possible, like collaborating with Scorsese, christopher nolan and tarantino to shed that image and regain the cred he's owed. Like brad pitt and wierdly Justin timberlake (in alpha dog and social network) he's making decent inroads to getting respect for his talent.
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