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Old 8th January 2013, 10:23 AM
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I havent posted on here or updated my letterboxd recently of what films ive seen so here the lest few that i can think off.

Bait tbh i wasnt expecting much from this and boy was i surprised if you like you monster attack type style film then i would recommed this while it wont make no classic its defiantly a good watch only 2 things spoiled it for me 1) the couple trapped in the car annoyed the **** out of me and 2) the cgi on the shark at times was rather pants and not even slightky convincing but otherwise a film worth seeking out,

The sound of my voice ...Extremely slow dull boring and nothing to even keep you interested i tried to percivere with but had to turn it off around half way mark,

Barricade a bloke takes his 2 kids away on vacation middle of nowhere for christmas and strange things are happening not realy that good but worth a one off watch,

No tell motel.. about a group of teanagers have a car accident and come accros a old unused motel where they keep seing people and a little girl killed in a road accident ...Avoid only watch if you catch this on the horror channel
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