Originally Posted by Rik Because I had a couple of hours to kill before doing the school run today, I decided to check out the blu ray section in the library, they had loads of Flipside's in so I took the time to read the back of them, still nothing of interest
They also had an unusual amount of steelbooks too, completely pointless seeing as all rentals come in generic cases with only a title sticker on the front |
Yes but think about when they sell them off!
If it's a big library they'll usually buy one of each release not paying attention to the packaging, of course completely pointless if releasing at the same time as a normal blu-ray, but again, think about when they sell them off! It would be worth asking what their policy is. There might be a cut off point, say a year, or it could be from the amount of issues, although they will usually circulate around smaller libraries if they offer rentals.
The good news is if they do put them in a generic case when/if sold the original packaging will be in good nick.
We used to issue them in the original packaging so you would get the information but the ones sold off were usually a bit battered.