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Old 19th January 2013, 10:36 AM
BAKA BAKA is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2010

Originally Posted by Rik View Post
Bit harsh, I find it annoying (and always have done, even when they were on here) because I'm impatient and don't like to be teased. I still get involved in the guessing etc, but I'd prefer it if they, and other companies, just set a day when they'll announce new titles and then do it, none of this carrot dangling because 75% of the time that carrot ends up being rotten
I don't think it's harsh at all. Is it really so hard to ignore them, especially when they've quite clearly said when they'll be revealed? The alternative is them not post them, and the people who do enjoy them miss out because of it? That seems pretty selfish to me. Why should the people who enjoy the teasers miss out because of people who are unable to ignore something they claim to dislike anyway?
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