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Old 21st January 2013, 09:47 AM
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Originally Posted by fuzzymctiger View Post
Also, I actually had a good laugh with the parents about the fact that all they're discs are 18 because of the New York Ripper trailer
That peeves me off no end, my parents are firm believers that violence in films affects people mental health (well, my mother more so than my step father, he's kinda OK with it) evn though i've nerver had any phycopaphic tendencies. What's that little ear smurf? No, I don't want to watch The Prisoner, i'll put some Cowboy Bebop on instead. Yes, I know you don't like the Ed episodes little ear smurf but we can skip over those...what's that? Oh, i'm not typing that you dirty little thing you!

Also, I can never understand why people complain about sex in films. So violence is OK, yet the most natural process in the mamalian life cycle is not? Screw that! I find it even more bizzare that my mother is a midwife and she abores sex in films, claiming it 'objectives women'...erm, unless is lesbian (which there is tota's nothing wrong with btw! I'm looking at you SuziG!) it must also objectify men by the same law. What BS is this I say! It's freaking natural! AAAARGGGHH! NERD RAGE!!!!
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