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Old 1st February 2013, 06:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Daemonia View Post
Why? All Chapelle was doing was cleaning up the mess that Kevin Yagher had made of everything and Yagher had walked away from the project, leaving it unfinished. If anyone deserves our annoyance, it's Yagher, not Chapelle. In my opinion, anyway.

Interestingly, Guillermo Del Toro declined to direct, which is why it was passed to Yagher. I can only imagine how much better it would have been with Del Toro at the helm.
Not just for that. Chapelle worked on halloween 6 and he treated Donald Pleasance like dirt, even cutting his scences cause according to him "Pleasance couldn't act."
He was a disgusting scab director who used horror, something he had no liking for, to advance his career.
The Poster Formerly Know As Arrowfan
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