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Old 3rd February 2013, 01:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Justin101 View Post
When you put it like that I can see your point, but the MPs and reporters were still very naive and gullible to go with it - I feel that the video tapes shouldn't have been handed over to young children, and some classification or indeed common sense from the shop owners should have been in place, but there is no way that films 'make' people behave in a certain way. You're either a looney psycho or you're not.

No offence to our loonies
Lets be honest the world is full of idiots loonies and weirdo"s and have been long before the birth of horror and gore, the world has always been full of dictatorships and people who have commited horrendous crime or tried to take over the world like Hitler, And how many films are based on true stories ed gein for eg, You had jack the rippper, so whats their exscuse do people have one for these you cant exactly blame their crimes on films and video games, This type of thing has been happening long before films video games etc ever exsisted always have and always will its just all to easy now to make a exscuse and blame someones crimes on games and films than the actualy cause of the real problem to why they did what they did..

Last edited by gag; 3rd February 2013 at 02:34 PM.
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