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Old 6th February 2013, 10:32 AM
Demoncrat Demoncrat is offline
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come on girls........I watched ZFE for the first time when I was 14.....sound familiar??

Ahem, bit later than expected, but here's the rest of that review....

Paranorman. EEEK!! Is this meant to be a kids film??? Because it flipping terrified me in parts. (the tree). Cough cough. Will be watching this again, along with.....

Frankenweenie. More or less the story of a boy and his dog (and a love of Kenneth Strickland), I cried at the end (as usual), some stunning use of composition and a great wee turn from Martin Landau, what more could you ask from a film.

Eldorado (2013). Well, this is the life of a genre film fan. basically a queasy mishmash of 2000 Maniacs & The Blues Brothers, a cast of stalwarts (and Rik Mayall) chew the scenery and Bill Moseley sings (!!!!) If this doesn't intrigue, c'est la vie, I'm not here to tell you what to think.

Berberian Sound Studio. Toby Jones (staid englishman) goes to work for hotheaded foreign types. hilarity ensues. Or was it a Burroughsian nightmare brought on by fear of sheds?? As puzzling as you want to make it, this may turn out to be my FILM of the year. And to prove that the Osc*rs are IRRELEVANT, was this nominated for Best Sound (whatever), I doubt it.

Cat In The Brain. Can't get enough of Lucio's version of Day For Night really, though I wouldn't recommend it as an introduction to the man's work.

Dreams That Money Can Buy (1947). When I watch stuff like this, I remember why I love cinema....but that usually fades so I can steel myself for.......

Boss Nigger (Jack Arnold, 1975). Yet again Turdantino rips a film off wholesale, plasters a different title on it again, everyone calls him "edgy" (though not on this site, kudos folks!!) Ahem. Fred Williamson takes on William Smith whilst on a horse. SOLD!! Better soundtrack than DU as well....

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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