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Old 6th February 2013, 03:08 PM
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Originally Posted by bdc View Post
Well after going all that I'm glad it at least sorted things out.
I've only used Advanced System Care myself (free version).
It's pretty good (if used wisely).
There still two problems and one is probably whats causing so many of the problems, Its that the computer freezes a lot eg i could be typing this and itl just freeze meaning i have to switch it of with the switch and not shut it down then when starting back up get the black screen saying computer error might have been closed unexpectedly do i want to start in safe mode or normal mode..

2nd when i want to do something like open my itunes i click on the icon and there two things it either does 1 takes about a good 5min to register and open up or doesnt register at all and i spend next 20min clicking it constantly same with most things,

Anyone got any help and info please,

Thank you..
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