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Old 6th February 2013, 09:12 PM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
Cult Addict
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Barrow-in-furness
Blog Entries: 14


A neglected (by me) classic. A young woman in a sleepy french town witnesses a stranger come into town, later he turns up at her house and rapes her. Later that evening she realises he's still there and ends up shooting him dead. Soon after another stranger turns up (played by CHARLES BONSON) and tells her he knows she killed the man, and he wants to know where the money he stole is. Of course she has no idea about any cash, and vehemently denies killing the man, what follows is a cat and mouse battle of wits betwen the protagonists.

A really well shot slow burner with a great plot and a fine performance from brosnan. I watched the shorter theatrical cut of the film so I could make it to my buddies in time to watch...


Silly Sy-fi channel nonsense with edward furlong, an earthquake releases a bunch of giant killer spiders that the cast must fight to survive. If you've seen
nay other sy-fi origionals this will hold few surprises but its awful trashy fun and eddie furlong has a perpetual expession on his face as if something died inside of him a long time ago. Followed this up with another trashy gem...

Alien infiltration.

A trophy wife and her gold digging mother kill their rich-hick husband in order to claim on the life insurance and property, unfortunately an alien crash lands in the scrap yard where the body is and is killing anyone who comes near. The greedy pair offer 100,000 dollars to anyone who can retrieve the corpse. Cue a long line of greedy, desperate pychos/morons looking to cash in and the bloodbath begins. Then film has a great role for roddy piper and is totally aware of how ludicrous it is, so instead of scares prefers to go for outrageous strange and surreal humour intersperced with bloody violence. It may be no classic but its damnned good fun.

Bare in mind if you walk into your local thats entertainment you can get BOTH these gems on blu-ray for FIVE POUNDS...bargain imo!
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