Originally Posted by Daemonia Currently halfway through Accursed by Guy N. Smith. I do love the pulp horror novels of the 70's and 80's. They're utterly barmy but full of juicy nastiness. |
A man after my own heart! I'm always trawling the local car boots/charity shops for books like this. I particularly love the 'killer animal' genre: spiders, rats, jellyfish (!), you name it. Should really take a pic of all my paperbacks sometime...
Just coming to the end of WORLD WAR Z, which isn't so good. Picked it up after seeing (and liking) the trailer for the new Brad Pitt film. It's written by Mel Brooks' son and it has lots of zombie action, but no characterisation, suspense, atmosphere or storyline. Just lots of unconnected scenarios depicting a global zombie far. Finding it a bit boring to be honest...