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Old 8th February 2013, 12:30 AM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
Cult Addict
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Barrow-in-furness
Blog Entries: 14

Finished up the evening with a dose of

AMITYVILLE 4: The evil escapes.

It's a shoddy film for sure but god help me I have a real soft spot for this one. I caught it on telly many years ago (when I would tape pretty much any half interesting sounding film off the telly) and enjoyed it a great deal more than I probably should have done. After a bunch of priests perform an exorcism on the amityville house and finally seem to rid the place of the evil that infests it the landlord decides to flog off all the furniture in a yard sale. Deciding a creepy looking anthropomorphic lamp from one of americas most cursed properties would make a great 'ironic' gift, a dotty spinster sends her sister the lamp as a gift. Unfortunately the sister has her daughter and grandkids staying and the lamp begins to terrorise the household!

I think this was made for tv, it certainly feels it, but its cheap and nasty enough to be enjoyable in the same way films like ghosthouse, house of lost souls and the witchery are enjoyable, you know their trash but its part of the charm. I think the main thing with this film is its not dull, the ending is laugh out loud (amityville the cat anyone?)
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